

During weeks 3 and 4 this term we offered Booster Weeks for Intermediate level students. During these weeks, intermediate students had the opportunity to participate in the Advanced class. We tested this concept and it was very successful. The Advanced students became mentors for the Intermediate students, helping them with work as well as modeling good behavior and habits. This turned into a very powerful 2 hour class, helping the Intermediates to get a feel for what it is like to participate at the next level.

During weeks 5 through 8, Wednesdays (4:30-6:30), Pre-Advanced students will be allowed to attend the Advanced level classes.

And for Advanced students, they will be given unlimited access to the 4:30 classes throughout the Fall term, replacing their make-up classes.

And best of all, these classes and options are being offered totally FREE! Just let us know when you would like to come. We hope that the Booster Classes and additional access will empower all students to advance their abacus skills!

Nothing fuels the fire for math than discovering you can be a math genius! If you’re not sure Abacus will help your child, sign up for a free preview of our online Abacus Classes – there’s no obligation to register! Come meet with us, watch some kids in action, calculating at the speed of light! We guarantee you will have fun watching these little geniuses.




JAMS is proud to be the only Abacus math school in Portland and in the State of Oregon certified by the League of Soroban of Americas. Since 2001, we have dedicated to Abacus & Anzan instruction and to building a strong foundation of Mental Mathematics along with lifelong skills. JAMS empowers children to achieve academic success, so they will grow in areas that go well beyond the classroom. JAMS parents can expect their child to improve in 5 different areas: concentration, discipline, problem-solving, time management, and confidence. This is the teaching approach at JAMS since opening its doors.