by Miwako Sensei | Announcements, JAMS Events
REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! REGISTER TODAY!! Register as a New Student :: Register as a Returning Student Summer Camp – 6/27-8/18 (8 weeks) Tuesday-Friday Beginner 3:30-4:30, 6-7pm Tuition: $720 Intermediate, PreAdvanced, and Advanced 4:30-6pm Tuition: $360 Homework...
by Miwako Sensei | Announcements, Class Information, JAMS Events
This year our Summer Camp offering will be 8 weeks long, and be held on Tuesdays through Fridays from June 27 through August 18. Students may attend once or twice per week. There will be no make-up week, but students can make up as they go. Dates: 6/27 – 8/18 Tuesday...
by Miwako Sensei | Announcements, JAMS Events
Abacus Masters ’17 was a great success, made possible by our great students (83 students participated), families and volunteers. Our gratitude goes out to all who helped with the event and brought their support for the students. Our goal is to deliver an event that...
by Miwako Sensei | Announcements, JAMS Events
During weeks 3 and 4 this term we offered Booster Weeks for Intermediate level students. During these weeks, intermediate students had the opportunity to participate in the Advanced class. We tested this concept and it was very successful. The Advanced students became...
by Miwako Sensei | Announcements, Class Information, JAMS Events
Starting with the Fall term of 2016, JAMS students will be taking the League for Soroban Education in America Examinations. This will replace our in-house exam and will be given to Advanced, Pre-Advanced and Intermediate students. The exam will be administered from...
by Miwako Sensei | Announcements, JAMS Events
New! Prep class for all the new students: 9/12 Monday, 5:00 – 6:00 New! Intermediate (multiplication/division) boosting weeks: Week 3 and 4 8/26 Fall Term Registration Ends & Tuition Due 9/13 Fall Term Starts 10/18 Winter Term & Camp Registration Begins 11/15...