

My daughter Prakruthi has benefited immensely under the guidance of Sensei Miwako and we are grateful for having found JAMS. Sensei Miwako is an amazing teacher and role model for our daughter. We wanted our daughter to attend JAMS to develop more interest in Math as she was more inclined towards science and language in her kindergarten/first grade school classroom. She also needed to do more interesting work than her class level work. She has an immense love for reading and we wanted to see the same love for math work. So our initial goal was only to instill a passion for learning math more than getting ahead of her grade curriculum. When she started classes she was playful and got distracted but with Sensei’s help she started concentrating and showing interest.

Her ability to stay focused improved drastically and has helped in various activities in school and in other extracurricular classes like dancing and singing. She was initially not very confident and used to feel bad when she made mistakes in abacus. Sensei helped her understand that mistakes are the stepping stones to understanding the technique better and she needs to persist. I especially like Sensei’s “Ganbare” attitude which she instills in our daughter to do her best and never ever give up. I think that is a very important life lesson that Sensei is teaching at such an early age which is much more valuable than any academic skill. I want my daughter to persist at all her tasks and be resilient with a sense of never give up attitude.

She is now more confident with double digit flash anzan addition, subtraction, triple digit multiplication and double digit division. She has now understood that she can always excel at math just like science and languages if she puts the right amount of effort and hard work. Thank you Sensei for being such an awesome teacher for our daughter. You have also given me feedback and advice at the right moments in our journey together as a team, to guide her at home. We will always be grateful to you for helping our daughter to love Math just as much as her other subjects. Our heartfelt thanks to you and your team Sensei Miwako.

— Divya & Arun Arakali

Nothing fuels the fire for math than discovering you can be a math genius! If you’re not sure Abacus will help your child, sign up for a free preview of our online Abacus Classes – there’s no obligation to register! Come meet with us, watch some kids in action, calculating at the speed of light! We guarantee you will have fun watching these little geniuses.




JAMS is proud to be the only Abacus math school in Portland and in the State of Oregon certified by the League of Soroban of Americas. Since 2001, we have dedicated to Abacus & Anzan instruction and to building a strong foundation of Mental Mathematics along with lifelong skills. JAMS empowers children to achieve academic success, so they will grow in areas that go well beyond the classroom. JAMS parents can expect their child to improve in 5 different areas: concentration, discipline, problem-solving, time management, and confidence. This is the teaching approach at JAMS since opening its doors.